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When to use


Organic All Purpose Plant Food Pellets

A unique formula utilising organic and plant-based nutrients to create a rich, highly effective feed.

  • Bee Friendly

  • Certified Organic by OF&G

  • Ideal For Use In Family Gardens


Bursting with natural plant-based and mineral nutrients to make gardens flourish, Organic All Purpose Plant Food has everything plants need for vigorous growth in flowers, shrubs and trees. It will help plants produce bigger blooms, beautiful flowers and boost fruit and vegetable crops. Organic All Purpose Plant Food increases soil microbial activity providing steady release of organic nutrients typically over a period of 3 months. Its natural conditioning properties help improve the soil texture and soil structure, essential for a strong root system for all types of plants.

Sizes available:

• 0.9 Kg

How to use

Apply from March - September. Spread evenly on the soil and hoe or fork into the top surface. If dry, water the soil for maximum benefit.

Note: One gloved handful is approx. 35g

FLOWERS: When sowing or planting apply at 140 g/m2. For existing, established plants, use 70 g/m2 once or twice a year.

VEGETABLES: For potatoes apply before planting at 200 g/m2. For other vegetables use 140 g/m2 before planting or sowing or use as a top dressing at 70 g/m2 sprinkled evenly between the rows. Apply once or twice a year during the growing season.

ROSES, SHRUBS, FRUIT TREES AND BUSHES: When planting, mix 70 to 140g with the infill soil, depending on the size of the plant. As a Spring/Summer top dressing, use 140 g/m2 and apply evenly over the area of soil covered by the branch spread.


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